apple please for the love of god
electric cars
twitter / x
- ⭐️ iphone 15 pro
- ⭐️ macbook pro M1 16 inch
- airpods 3
- ⭐️ airpods max
- ipad pro M1 12.9 inch
- telegram
- the attention to detail is just amazing. i really wished apple’s messages were that good
- notion
- safari
- yeti bottle ← it has too many logos but the quality is good
- anker 733 power bank
- kindle ← i do not like it
- clothes
- office
- ⭐️ pro display xdr
- ⭐️ fully sit / stand desk
- ⭐️ steelcase leap v2
- ⭐️ keychron mouse
- primarily because master 3s sucks
- ⭐️ apple keyboard
- primarily because of touch id
- macos utils
- magnet - hotkeys to snap windows into different positions
- daisydisk - usage and management of ssd space
- amphetamine - prevent mac from sleep
- istatmenus - at glance cpu %, mem % metrics
- bartender - hides unimportant icons from toolbar
- alt tab - better command + tab experience
- steermouse - linear acceleration for mouse
- karabiner - key mappings
- clipy - clipboard manager
- safari
- superagent - automatically accepts / rejects cookies banners